This site used to be free, why do I have to pay now to swap?

Swapstick was a free site a long, long time ago.

It was decided to make the site more professional and so investment was made in graphics, servers, backups and data loading to upload more albums and collections data and stats on which stickers are most in demand. is free to keep track of your swaps and needs, and you can check your compatible swaps with friends for free if you know each other.

The paypal subscription or one off year membership lets you swap with new people.

The only way to do this was to charge a small amount.

This amount has not gone up in the 7 years (2011) since the site has been paid for.

It is value for money - here is some swaps save money evidence.

We did not want to sell user's data or harvest personal information as we don't like spam and simple advertising did not supply enough revenue. 

We promise never to sell your data.

You may find a free site to swap with but remember:
 - how are they paying for the server?
 - can you get support from them promptly?
 - if you are not paying for the product then maybe you are the product being sold ?
 - what are they doing with your name, password, address, phone number, picture etc?
 - are they based in the UK or EU and follow privacy and security rules?
 - if the membership is free how do you know you will get swaps sent back at all?
 - paid members are more likely to send back swaps to build up their rating

If you have any queries please please contact us and we will get back to you ASAP.

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