How Do I remove my user id registration and swap page?

If you want to remove your swap page and stop emails for a while, then remove the email address from the album swaps page (Not Your Profile). This will prevent the page showing up in the swap lists. Useful if you are going on holiday. You will need to do this for each album you have.

If you want to leave the site, you can cancel membership using feedback but we do ask that you give us 1 month's notice.

For tips on using the site try:
Subscribe to YouTube instruction videos here: YouTube Swapstick
Subscribe to Facebook news here: Facebook Swapstick
Subscribe to Twitter news: Twitter .

To prevent fat or little fingers removing your data there is a safety switch in your profile.
Open your profile from the home tab, tick "Allow Closing" next to "Removal Of Data:" then save.

If you then want to remove your swaps page and login, then click on this link (you will need your id and password) :

Remove User Accounts History and Login  (this works as of 29 March 2018)

If you are struggling with how the site works please check out the How to Swap section of the site as well as other FAQs for particular issues use Feedback.

If you have forgotten your password please click forgotten password.



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